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5 Common Myths About Weight Loss & Nutrition

Food can be a subject of genuine dispute today, and everybody appears to have an opinion on what you can and cannot eat. People have different explanations behind eating or not eating certain kinds of food, and in many cases, they are a victim to food myths that have been perpetuated over time. Especially when looking for how to lose weight, you are more likely to get overwhelmed by these myths. What we fail to understand is that when it comes to health, what we eat is far more important than how often we eat. From carrots to Apple cider, every other nutritious item has some health benefits, but it's not a magic potion that will cure-all. So, we thought we'd put together 5 nutritional & weight loss myths and the facts about them for you.

MYTH: Supplements and products labelled as "natural" are safe and effective ways for weight loss

FACT: If you are looking for how to lose weight fast, there is no guarantee that these products are safe or effective. These products are not always approved by the FDA and a product being "natural" does not indicate if it has any health benefits. Remember, there is no "quick fix" for weight loss. You have to follow a proper weight loss diet as per your unique body requirements to achieve your desired weight.

MYTH: Having irregular eating timing can lead to weight gain.

FACT: What matters most is how much you eat, what you eat, and how much physical activity you get throughout the day. In your weight loss diet, reduce your intake of high-calorie foods close to bedtime since these foods can cause digestion and sleep issues which can result in unhealthy eating habits.

MYTH: Low-carb diet helps in losing weight.

FACT: Carbohydrates are an important part of your diet. Carbs are your body's primary source of energy production. There are different forms of carbs, simple and complex. Simple carbs are not generally nutritious and are found in chips, soda, candy, and other sweets. Complex carbs are more nutrient-dense and found in healthier sources, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and beans. Reducing your consumption of simple carbs and eating complex carbs can help you in providing nutrients that help regulate your body and maintain a healthy weight. So not all low-carb diets can help with weight loss.

MYTH: Salt is bad for you & less salt helps in weight loss.

FACT: Consuming an excess of sodium can lead to high blood pressure and kidney damage, but salt (sodium) is a mineral that is essential for many bodily functions. Sodium is an electrolyte that helps water balance and is vital for our muscles and nerves to work, including our heart and brain. Like many other things, it is the excess consumption of salt that can lead to health hazards. Having it in excessive quantities can also make your body retain more water, taking your weight loss diet in the opposite direction. But less salt won't make you lose weight.

MYTH: It is necessary to take dietary supplements to be healthy.

FACT: Most people ought to be able to get all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients through eating a balanced and healthy diet. Rather than taking supplements to gain them, you should consume healthy, nutrient-dense varieties of food like vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts. Dietary supplements should only be taken at a doctor's suggestion if there's a deficiency and cannot be helped through diet alone.

Now that we have had some eye-openers, we at Milky Mist promise to do our best in providing our Daily Dose of Nutrition, no myths attached!

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Lewis Wood
Lewis Wood
5 minutes ago

When it comes to food and health, many people find themselves caught between myths and facts, especially in the world of weight loss. It's easy to fall for claims that certain foods or products can magically transform your health, but the truth is far more complex. For example, natural supplements often promise quick weight loss, but this isn't always supported by scientific evidence. Instead, a balanced diet that suits your individual needs and a healthy lifestyle will have a more significant impact on your well-being. If you're looking for ways to support your health, you might want to explore natural remedies like Essiac Tea. This herbal formula has been linked to various health benefits, particularly in promoting detoxification and immune…

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